Lars & Margo
Small batch & expertly roasted coffee in Cornwall
Buy a bag or 2 here: www.larsandmargo.co.uk
Brand identity and packaging
In the heart of Cornwall, nestled amidst rolling hills and picturesque coastlines, lies a small roastery, Lars & Margo, dedicated to crafting exceptional coffees. For Dell'Anno Studio, the task at hand was to capture the essence of this passion and create a brand identity that resonated with coffee enthusiasts both in Cornwall and beyond.
We created a brand language from a code that Peter and Mandy use internally to name there wide range of coffee’s. Peter, the code maker and master roaster, named his first ever blend called 001. Now in the roastery sits a large chalk board listing all their blends. As we sat for our onboarding session while sipping freshly brewed #00BB BRAZILIAN BOURBON the concept came to life.